Editorial: Do sex offenders deserve a scarlet letter on their passport?

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Do sex offenders deserve a scarlet letter on their passport?

After rousing themselves from the 30-plus-year bad trip that was the war on drugs — or rather, the war on drug users — many Americans in and out of elected office looked around for someone else to persecute. Someone, somewhere, must be so depraved and hateful that liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicanscould join in common cause to vilify them.

They appear to have found their target: sex offenders. The current case in point is a congressional proposal to alert the nations of the world that particular U.S. citizens who have committed sex offenses against minors are planning to visit. Passports would be specially marked so that other countries could turn travelers away at the border because of old crimes for which they have already served their time in the U.S.

For full story Click Link – http://www.latimes.com/opinion/editorials/la-ed-0203-sex-offenders-20160203-story.html